Kankerkraker - SCK CEN


Helping patients and fighting cancer at the same time? This is what SCK CEN (the Belgian National Research Centre) does every day and you can too during the festival, thanks to nuclear medicine. Make your way to the tumour, administer the remedy and watch it disappear! Have you managed not to touch any healthy tissue along the way? You can consider yourself a true "cancer fighter"! This miracle medicine is no accident! SCK CEN produces it in the BR2 reactor. During I love Science, you can take a virtual dive into the reactor vessel!

  • Activity 1 - Laser mesh
    Make your way through the human body without touching healthy tissue and bring the radioisotope to the cancer cell. The faster the radioisotope reaches the cancer cell, the higher its activity.
    > FR-NL-EN / ages 6>12 / continuous
  • Activity 2 - VR goggles
    SCK CEN's miracle medicines don't happen by chance! They produce them in the BR2 research reactor. During I love Science, you can take a virtual dive into the reactor vessel!
    > FR-NL / ages 6>12+ / continuous