The travelling herbalist, transforming plants! - L'Herbioristerie


Discover the fascinating world of medicinal plants in the company of experts. You can transform dried plants into unique, natural products: syrups, balms, cold process soaps and sweets. Plants will hold no secrets for you, and you can take home your finished product.

  • Activity 1 - Creation of plant-based syrups
    Create your own homemade syrups from a maceration of plants! They're delicious and healthy!
    > FR-NL-EN / 6+ / max. 20 people / 40 minutes
    > Friday (Schools Day) - 10:00 & 13:20 
    > Weekend - 10:00 & 13:20
  • Activity 2 - Creation of beeswax balm 
    Using vegetable oil and natural beeswax, come and create your own personalised balm with essential oils. Every participant can take home their ready-to-use finished product. 
    > FR-NL-EN / 6+ / max. 20 people / 40 minutes 
    > Friday (Schools Day) - 11:00 & 14:20 
    > Weekend – 11:00 & 14:20 
  • Activity 3 - Creation of raw herbal sweets 
    Sweets? Yes, and delicious ones at that! Here you can create your own simple, natural sweets with only three ingredients for a healthy and beneficial treat. Personalised herbal sweets for young and old. Come and try them out! 
    > FR-NL-EN / 6+ / max. 20 people / 40 minutes 
    > Friday (Schools Day) - 09:00, 12:00
    > Weekend – 12:00, 16:20
  • Activity 4 – Cold-process soap 
    Our herbalists help you create your own cold-process soap with plants and essential oils. These are soaps that respect people and the planet. They're a pleasant, easy-to-make product. We'll teach you everything there is to know about saponification. 
    > FR-NL-EN / 6+ / max. 20 people / 40 minutes 
    > Friday (Schools Day) – 15:20 
    > Weekend – 15:20 & 17:20
  • Activity 5 - Distillation of essential oils and hydrolats 
    Throughout the festival, come and admire our still, with which we will be continuously distilling top-quality hydrolats, also known as herbal distillates. 
    > FR-NL-EN / all ages / continuous